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Corey Evans

Corey entered into numerous adult competitions, not being phased started making a name for himself with his peers, with regards his performances. He joined several leagues for adults Risca Monday darts league for the Exchange Inn playing both for the “B” and now the “A”.

Crumlin Friday Darts League representing the same team. Risca Gwent Super League. Also took up the challenge of joining the Welsh Darts Premier League with high class players finishing a respectable position for his age.

County Appearances :- Corey has been one player who has represented 2 Counties the West of England and now Glamorgan. He had to travel to West Country to follow a dream and played 12 times for them winning 9 games. They realised a sad loss when Corey was asked to represent Glamorgan Youth with the stronger team, he would be an asset to them and as played for 2 season playing 4 games and won 4. This ratio he was happy to get the news he was selected to play for his Country of Wales at Scotland at the BDO Youth Internationals in April, also The European Youth cup in Hungary in June. “”” Good Luck Corey “””

Corey aged 16 has been playing darts for approx 5 years, once again watching his parents playing darts, he caught the bug of the sport and soon wanted his own darts to practice. Another student of the Calstep Darts Academy, showed how talented he was by weekly showing great standard and winning numerous events we ran, winning the 10 weeksingles league for the Academy hitting approx 4 x 180s in this league .A natural talent, but has also listens to good advice, and takes it away to become the stronger player he is today. 

With this maturity, Corey wanted new challenges to play against the adults due to upping his game was proving too strong for his age group. 

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